Bar Top Epoxy Bar Top Epoxy Bar Top Epoxy. Used in a variety of applications which require a hard, durable and crystal clear coating. This epoxy is often used for bar tops and tables. Quite often you will find custom tables that have objects embedded underneath the surface, most often this is the product used for the application. This epoxy is very thick. Covering often is done with a light coat to seal the surface, followed up by flood coats 1/8″ thick at a time until the desired thickness is reached. This is a two part kit and contains 1 Gallon of Resin & 1 Gallon of Hardener. The item has a shelf life of approximately 1 year. The material will start to yellow in the container after months but it is not a bad product. To ensure crystal clear results, please make sure to use the resin shortly after purchase. Overview: This product is a 100% solid, two component, clear polymer coating that is mixed at a 1 to 1 ratio by volume or a 100 parts resin to 86 parts hardener by weight. Each kit contains an equal amount of resin and hardener. The product cures to a clear, high build, glass like finish that resists scratching, yellowing and will not distort with age. Items coated with it will become permanently preserved and protected for your enjoyment throughout a lifetime. This product will not exhibit blushing or sweat out under high humidity conditions. Primary use: This product is commonly seen on bar tops and tabletops in many bars and restaurants. Application: The product should be applied in two stages. The first stage is referred to as the seal coat. The seal coat is brushed on in a thin layer and is used to seal any pores on the surface and prevent air bubbles from forming in the following flood coats. This stage is followed by the flood coat, which will flow and self-level, clean brushes or squeegees can be used to help spread the epoxy. Flood coats are applied in 1/8″ layers at a time, as many as desired can be applied, however one to three coats is average for most table or bar coatings. Re-coating/Between Layers: Re-coating can usually be done within 4 to 8 hours. If re-coated within this time period no sanding is necessary between layers. If your previous layer has fully dried, very light sanding with 220 grit sandpaper is recommended to achieve a good bonding surface. After sanding you should wipe down with a solvent such as denatured alcohol or acetone to remove any impurities from the surface. (do NOT use mineral spirits) Embedding Pictures: Objects, such as pictures, maps etc. can be embedded in this product during the pours. Most photo quality paper does not require any special preparation however sometimes thin paper objects must first be sealed with a white glue or similar product to prevent the Bar Top Epoxy from fully penetrating the paper and causing it to become transparent. Embedding Solid Objects (wood, rocks, shells, etc.) All porous materials should first have a seal coat of epoxy applied. This will prevent air bubbles from occurring in subsequent flood coats. Usually, the objects can be set in place before sealing. Working Conditions: For best results, the product must be used at temperatures from 70°-80° F. The room in which you are working should be clean, dry, dust and insect-free. Settling dust can often cause blemishes on the glassy surface. Exterior Applications: Please note that although this product will resist yellowing better than other epoxies it is NOT 100% UV resistant. Continuous outdoor UV exposure over months or years will cause the finish to lose its gloss, cause gradual changes in color and possibly warp. Storage Conditions: Liquids should be stored in a cool, dry, dark environment. Product will last for at least 6 months and many times will last longer, but small testing should be done if in doubt. Coverage : Remember not to combine seal and flood coat coverage’s. Flood coats are designed to go on approximately 1/8″ thick, which is about three times thicker than that of a seal coat. Example: A 6ft x 4ft bare wood table (24sq ft) would require 2 Quarts to complete ONE seal coat and about a gallon and a half to complete ONE flood coat for a total of Two Gallons. This product is filled by weight not by volume. Part A Net Weight 9.6lbs/4354g = aprox 1 Gallon 4.65lbs/2109g = aprox 1/2 Gallon Part B Net Weight 8.25lbs/3742g = aprox 1 Gallon 4lbs/1814g = aprox 1/2 Gallon This item can only be shipped by ground.