LITEPANELS Astra Replacement Power Switch Module Replacement switch module to permanently repair power switch issues. (For units that turn off when power is increased, red light, blinking red light, no power ) Installation of this module requires removal of the old switch and soldering this module in place. Soldering is required. We offer repair service for individuals without the resources to perform the repair themselves. This listing is for one replacement switch module to repair the buyer’s Litepanel Astra. This listing is for the replacement Switch module only. We offer repair service for $119.90 per light + shipping - message us. The first few generations of the Astra including the 6X suffered power issues due to a insufficient power switch circuit. Common symptoms are intermittent power, lights shutting off, red lights. We designed a combination mechanical and electronic switch to permanently remedy this issue. It is a valid concern that the issue might be something else. We have repaired over a hundred, between LA and NYC, and we have sold even more of these boards, including to the Vitec repair centers. So we've learned the most common issues. Typically, the astra boards fail in one of three ways: 1. The most frequent issue is related to the power switch. This problem only occurs in astras manufactured before 2020 and is caused by arcing or degradation of the power switch itself. The symptoms include the light shutting down or the red light indicator turning on when the switch is operated or when adjusting the power. It can also cause premature shutdown of battery-powered units. Some lights may flicker or surge before turning off. 2. Another type of failure is associated with the dimmer or power switches. These failures can be either mechanical, requiring replacement of the potentiometer, or related to a component-level issue with the DC/DC switching block. This failure does not result in the light turning off - only flicker during adjustment. 3. The last common failures are typically a result of physical damage caused by lights crashing, such as broken or damaged LEDs, among other issues. If your symptoms closely resemble those related to the power switch, it is likely that the power switch is the probable cause of the problem. Repair by Videndum (formerly Vitec) costs around $200+ This part completely resolves the power switch issue. Fits all litepanels Astra variants. DIY Repair requires soldering. Listing includes: 1 Replacement Astra Power Switch Instructions Boards are warranted for 90 days. Ships from NYC